Vintage: Jubilee Pool, Llanelli
Was thinking about the Marina in Swansea earlier and I got to thinking how much swimming pools have changed since I was a young boyo growing up in the 1970's/80's. I was what my grandmother called a "water baby" because I loved swimming and spent a fair amount of time at the Jubilee pool in Llanelli, jumping from top board, 'bombing' friends. (In fact I will go as far as to claim I was one of the first ten year olds in Strade school to actually dive from the highest board.)
But the changes from the 'baths' then to now are are as different as a graceful dive is to a bellyflop.
First off, the water seems warmer in todays sports centers.
Pools of yesteryear always had a foot bath linking changing room to swimming pool. Don't see them these days.
Swimming pools used to have a gutter running around the edges, as well as the occasional handrail.
The "No Heavy Petting" signs have disappeared.
Ditto the frightening grates in the middle of the deep end. I used to imagine all kinds of underwater leviathans inhabited those, convinced a slimy claw would reach out from the darkness if you dared get too near and pull you to your doom.
Leisure centers used stink of chlorine which would linger on you all day. Coming home on the bus you could always tell if someone had visied Jubilee pool. The potent stink has gone, along with hamburgers. Ah yes in Llanelli baths they didnt sell regular beefburgers, you got hamburgers (which were rather tasty if my tastebuds remember rightly.)