Right on!
It is that time of year again when thousands of non Irish (or Irish because a great great uncle once removed was) pretend to be Ireland's favourite son. *Sigh* St Patrick's Day has become as bloated as Halloween and Christmas. An obscene parody of Irish played through the eyes of plastic 'Irishmen' and for a Celt it makes for uncomfortable viewing because it feels like our race, our traditions are being poked fun at by the mindless hordes. Believe you me, a pub full of grown adults dressed as Leprechauns singing out of tune Irish rebel songs is a very bitter caricature indeed.
Why do people (Americans in particular) do it? Faux Irish bars bursting at the walls with people guzzling foul looking (and no doubt tasting) green beer and wearing those dreadful "Kiss Me Im Irish" tee shirts. You do realise you are offending the real Irish right? (Although I guess not since you are still doing it.)
Of course there will be a few who think im just being a jealous Welshman, envious of Irelands dominance in the days of patron Saints but not at all! It would make me perfectly sick to my stomach to see St David's Day go the same way as St Patrick's Day. I love Irealnd and visit regularly (its only a short hop from Wales) and though Irish folk are the most welcoming and friendly people you are ever likely to meet on this planet, I know that some get mightily annoyed by 'bandwagon jumpers' on St Patrick's Day. And quite right too! Hell for the other 364 days of the year they don't give a toss about Ireland. It goes beyond fake and divebombs straight into cringeworthy. Give your heads a shake!
But to all on the beautiful Emerald Isle I say, Go bhfillead go hÉirinn go brách ! You'll know its for you as you wont have to use Google translate.