Yum, Tasty
The UN Agency have said that 'bugs are the food of the future' and that caterpillars, beetles and wasps could supplement diets as "an environmentally friendly food source." Eva Mueller, director of forest economics at the FAO said, "the main message is really: 'Eat insects'. Insects are abundant and they are a valuable source of protein and minerals."
Well Dai Jakes is way ahead of you Ms Mueller because ive been snacking on bugs for a few years now. Indeed that's me up there in the above picture tucking into salt n' vinegar crickets (bought at Manor House in Tenby.) And you know what? They're very tasty (once you get over the idea of a fistful of creepy crawlies.) Admittedly they are not very filling but then again, neither is a bag of crisps. And don't worry about the 'ick factor', they are dried insects so there is nothing slimy going on. Best I can describe is that it feels like you have sawdust and salt in your mouth. Pop down to Manor House and grab yourself a box, you might surprise yourself!
Of course Eva, the UN and this blog can sing the praises of wasp butties until the earwigs come home, I doubt it will get folk swapping a wonderful pastie from Jenkins bakery in favour of a caterpillar roll. (Probably a good thing too, those Jenkins pasties really are fabulous.)
But thanks to a wonderfully adventurous spirit, Mr Jakes must be years ahead of his time.