Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Hitchhiker's Blues (Open Letter to God)


This is just a quick open letter to God.

Dear Big Guy,

When I travel through your beautiful countryside, I gladly give thanks to you for Mother Nature and all of her wonderful sights. You truly are an inspiration and if ever I get to become a God of something (God of Drunkeness perhaps?) then I want to be just like You. But with more tattoos. It must be a thankless job, what with a lot of the planet ignoring You and using 'text speak' to communicate their horrible thoughts to each other but I DO thank You. I know You are up there somewhere, pottering around and taking holy shots with Coleridge. In short, You sir, rule! (Literally).
However I do have one grumble. When I am out driving with lush, rolling hills to my left and golden rivers on my right, can You not ruin the scenery by tossing in a hitchhiker that looks like a cross between Rasputin the mad monk and Richard Ramirez? If we must have beggars needing to casge a lift, can you make them like the lady in the photo above please? Pretty please?

Diolch (thanks)

Your humble, perverted servant

Steven x

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