Have they forgotten what the singer was suspected of? I for one certainly haven't and I shed no tears from him being where is right now. Good riddance to the creep sez I.
Junkies die every day, its part and parcel of living that way. Doctor Murray wasn't forcing drugs down his 'patients' throat, or jamming them into his arms. Jackson wanted the pills and wanted them so badly that he was paying the physician £93,000 a month to have them. Its been reported that nutty Jacko ordered a four gallon vat of Propofol and if this is true is it any wonder he is dead? Propofol is a very powerful anaesthetic used in operating theaters, hardly a normal sleep aid.
But Michael Jackson was never normal. He wasn't weird in a cool way however, he was weird in a creepy, weak sort of way and if it wasn't for the fact that he was one of the biggest selling artists on the planet, nobody would have wanted anything to do with the man.
Which brings me nicely to the Moonwalkers family. They say now that they love him and miss him, blah, blah, blah but where in the world of Peter Pan were they when he was ill? Anyone with a working pair of eyeballs could see that the man was in a bad way. Why did none of them attempt to intervene and try to arrest his deadly addiction? It goes on all the time with junkies in America im told, yet nobody bothered with Jackson, who was seemingly allowed to consume these narcotics as if he were eating popcorn.
I have been a drug user in the past and to get myself out of it I had to take personal responsibilty for my weakness to get control back.
Evidently nobody wanted this for Michael Jackson. He wanted his drugs and that led to its inevitable conclusion. Which is why if I could wave a magic wand and clear doctor Conrad Murray of any wrong doing, I would.
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