If it were not for the fact I have just become a father, I would be in the relieved camp. Now don't go presuming im depressed or anything because I can assure you I am not, but I do think the world has evolved about as far as it can go and it is time to give another species a try.
The future looks....peachy?
The funny thing about humans is we like to think we are all important, above everything and that we deserve to go on forever but the truth is we don't. No, we really don't. mother nature doesn't care about us, she was here way before we dragged our sorry asses from the primordial soup and will be around doing her thang well after we have killed ourselves off. And you know what? She won't even care, not in the slightest, she'll simply carry on, happy being mother nature.
So if 2012 really is then bring it on in all of its apocalyptic glory! Blwyddyn Newydd Da i chi gyd xxXxx
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