Time for an ale yet?
For the next four days Great Britain is celebrating Queen Elizabeth II 60 years reign, and being as this is only the second Diamond Jubilee in the United Kingdoms history it is a pretty historic event whatever your feelings on the Royal family.
"Gawd bless yer Ma'am!" Is what I imagine some over zealous cockneye is shouting from under a Union Jack flag and cap decorated with pin badges of the St George Cross and The Who. And good luck to them, I hope those celebrating have a good day and everything runs according to plan.
Dai Jakes however is not a big fan of the monarchy so instead of filling a blog with the usual photographs of regal pomp and ceremony (there are hundreds of other bloggers doing that) here there will be more 'man-on-the-street- type photos to show you all what it looks like in our towns, away from London and the glare and pizzazz of newsrooms and glossy magazines.
I love corgies. And Special Brew.
I flicked stations at halftime during the Wales v Barbarians rugby game (Wales won by the way) to see what sort of coverage the Diamond Jubilee was getting in the United States, and sure enough CNN have caught the bug too. So much so that the weather forecast for tomorrow was the top story. In case you are wondering dear reader, tomorrow is when a thousand ships and boats sail down the Thames with Her Majesty and Prince Philip on a throne on the main ship. Mr Jakes is looking forward to that. One thousand ships of all sizes. The mind doeth boggle.
It rains here. A lot.
But for now lets have some music from Johnny and chums! Apologies for the obvious choice but its still a great tune all these years on. And I was never a Sex Pistols fan when I first started listening to metal/punk. Ithought they were thick yobs with nothing to say or offer. God Save the Changes.
Rowdy louts or visionaries?
Patriotic tissue
This is interesting (albeit in a gory sort of way). Last saturday I cut myself shaving (not the famous beard, just experimenting with a bald top lip) and as everyone is aware I have a camera always at the ready like a photo obssessed Billy the Kid. Prepared for any ghost or alien that decides to pay a visit or in case of clumsy accidents like above.
It bled like a ripe tangerine and naturally I happily snapped away, hoping for a decent shot of a rich, crimson swab of pretty mulch that I could use in some post or other. Hey Presto! A week on and I have it. The colours fit: red, white and blue and its kinda heart shaped which denotes passion. More passion for Wales but you get the picture. And so did Mr Jakes.
Cool Brittania!
Pets At Home in Carmarthen
Even the animals in Pets At Home have the Jubilee bug, as you can see from the Union Jack above the guinea pig and rabbits enclosure.