Mr Jakes is in the middle
So far, so rain. Here we are halfway through July and summer 2012 is rapidly turning into a damp squib (emphasis on 'damp'). Britain of course isn't reknowned for champagne sunshine and vanilla whipped beaches but I do recall it being better than this. Roll back the dead days (1987/8 spring immediately to mind) and we have in fact experienced some fabulous summer months. For instance when I was in school, I don't remember having any truly awful weather during summer holidays. I remember shading under trees, discarding blazers and cooling off with ice but there was hardly ever (if at all) parka coats from June to September. Did I live in a parallel universe? Am I hoisting a Texan sun over my rose tinted spectacles? Not at all! Summers were alive and burning in my youth and I still remember the blaze on my sandy flesh. I can stll feel the sting of sunburn and saltwater from too many hours spent on Burry Port and Cefn Sidan beaches, and the hard parched gardens on which cricket and tennis were played. It was glorious, I remember it all so well.
Fastforward to 2012 however and things are not quite the same. We have not yet had back to back sunny days during this July and if any teenagers happen to read this they'll probably not believe the paradise I described in opening this post. All they can see if rain and heavy fog. The only sunshine they are likely to see is if they hop on a plane abroad because it seems the sun don't call on Britain anymore. (And I can't say I blame it either.)
Climate change? Planets shifted their mighty seats? Too much Facebook? Who knows what has happened but happened it has and it looks likely to not be reverting back anytime soon, so you'd better get used to those wellingtons and brollys. Personally Dai Jakes loves it! For one I don't have to see peoples withered and crooked toes, pointing out from flimsy sandals as they slap along busy promenades, hunting down half melted ice cream. I abhor sandals! As I have said elsewhere, this tyoe of footwear has the ability to make even the most beautiful woman look plain. (And im being kind there.) Also the cheap looking 'tramp stamps' (tattoos on young girls lower backs) are kept hidden when the weather is miserable and surely most sensible folk would be happy with this small mercy. Sexy? I beg to differ madam, you must have swallowed too many 'happy pills' on your way to the ink seat.
So a mixed post then today. Yes I did enjoy basking in the sand caked years of times now lost forever, but not being a particular great fan of the sun I am not sad to see things change. Especially when such ugly little habits appear whenever the sun does decide to its overgrown yellow chops.
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