Grand view
Dai Jakes is a trifle bored with all the whining about empty seats and security gaffs at these London 2012 games. By the Heavens, if moaning and griping were olympic events, some peole would be sure fire Gold medal winners, including my good self but I digress.
I want to talk about the venues. One thing these games have, and have in abundance are historic places to hold the events. Don't think so? Allow me to change your mind.
Wimbledon for tennis.
Lord's cricket gound: archery.
Horse Guards Parade: beach volleyball.
Earls Court: again for volleyball
Greenwich Park on the River Thames and London's oldest Royal park dating back to 1433: Equestrian events.
Hyde Park: Triathlon, 10k Open Water Swim.
Regents Park: road cycling
Royal Artillery Barracks: Shooting, Paralympic Shooting, Paralympic Archery
Wembley Stadium: football.
I don't think we're doing too badly myself. No disrespect to America and Australia but being younger countries, Sydney and Atlanta couldn't offer spots like the above for olympic venues. Yeah yeah that bridge in Sydney harbour is nice enough but its hardly London Bridge with all the class and elegance this old timer has. These places haven't simply been knocked up in the last few years, these are iconic venues which have made their mark on hundreds of history books.
Im willing to wager that every great British writer from Milton to Amis has walked through Greenwich Park. And Horse Guards Parade? The political HQ for the United Kingdom. I bet that place could name drop a few important folk if it were able to lay it stony hand on a tongue.
So while we have admittedly had a few mishaps, having these games in London has at least been visually pleasing. A lot of racing videogames have their circuits screaming around the capital city, and I always thought it cool to see Big Ben and Parliment in the background as I whizzed by in a modded Skyline. Always knew a major sporting event would look good there and now we know for certain.
Okay interwebz, continue with thy moaning. Dai Jakes has left the building.