"Would you like a game with those stickers Sir?"
I don't care what other videogamers say, I like Game. Heck if it wasn't for this store all my games would have to be purchased online because aside from a crappy little Cash Converters, there are no other dedicated videogame shops where I live. There isn't even a HMV type place where I could go. Sure there are Tesco and Morrisons supermarkets but the choice in those places is limited to chart stuff and shovelware. (Plus you get served by an automaton who wouldn't have a clue what Shenmue was if you hit him on the noggin with a copy.) Sure we have charity shops which are great for finding the odd retro classic but more often than not its another bloody FIFA we discover. (Charity stores in cities may be different I wouldn't know, im blessed to not live in one.)
One thing which does grind my gears though are Game's penchant for covering their game cases with pesky stickers. The photo above shows the latest lot I had from just two games after a recent visit to my local store. Now I am not an unreasonable guy and realise this isn't down to the lads and lasses working on the 'front line' as it were, but why so trigger happy with that sticker gun? Of course Game have to make clear the deals they have on offer but I can't help thinking it overkill. Do we really need to have stickers slapped on the disc itself? Not only that but there are also stickers to be found on the instruction manual which to my thinking is rather puzzling. Not to mention extremely annoying, especially if like myself you happen to be a collector who tries to have my videogames in as pristine condition as possible when displayed on the shelves. (Sega Dreamcast jewel cases make this ambition very hard, what with having been made from plastic that seemingly cracks when you look at it but thats another story.) First thing I do when I get home is spend ten minutes carefully removing the darned things, all the while taking great care not to tear the manual or worse still leave a sticky residue on the clear sleeve.
I realise that in the great scheme of Life, this is something of a triviality and that worse things happen at sea, but in the scheme of a near obsessive videogames colletor its very annoying. And like I say, im not having a pop at anyone, its just something I needed to blog off my chest.
My latest sticky affair