Larry Hagman has passed away aged 81 following complications with throat cancer. And I am gutted, proper bold letter gutted. You see, Dallas in the 1980s holds some cherished memories because it was the only television show my late mother ever watched, and those sunday evenings huddled around the telly at 8pm with Maltezers and pork scratchings are seared into my mind, a perfect picture of happy times. All I have to do to be transported there is hear the shows instantly recognisable, bombastic theme music. Dallas is one of the keys to Dai Jakes' youth.
And J.R. Ewing is without doubt THE greatest television character ever created. For me, nobody else comes close. (In fact id go as far to day that today it feels like ive lost an uncle.) Sure he was the big baddie but he was my hero as a boy, much more than any footballer could be. He was an inspiration to 'get ahead' in the world and win by guile.
J.R. Ewing was a schemer, a liar, a devil in a cowboy hat. And I loved him. I doubt im the only one either. His snake like charisma and drama almost dripped from the screen when he was on and not only that, he always got the best looking women too! Im just sad that I can only write about the character that Larry Hagman created because I never met the man himself. But from what ive read from those who did know Mr Hagman he seemed as wonderful in real life in the same way as he was wonderful being bad in Dallas if you get my drift.
The word 'Legend' is tossed around at everyone these days from talentless reality tv 'stars' to one hit wonder karoke singers. They are not legends, not even close.
Larry Hagman was a Legend. A legend x100.
And today another part of my childhood dies with the great man. Rest In Peace Larry and J.R. And diloch (thank you) for everything XX