Have we met before?
An unusual post to kick 2013 off with a bang.
Anybody who has read The Diary Of A Nobody by George Grossmith (illustrations by his brother Weedon) will be familiar with the Blondin Donkey if they paid close enough attention (its only mentioned in fleeting.) The Pooters' errant son Lupin announces that his friend will perform the Blondin Donkey to a small gathering of family.
The Diary Of A Nobody first appeared in 1888, the donkey is Victorian in age but it seems so familiar to me. (Im not that old I can assure you!)
How is this? Did Mr Jakes live another life in the 19th century only to emerge so soon again in the 20th? Even the sketch above is no stranger to my sight and yet the first time I ever clapped (mortal) eyes on it was when it popped up in a Google search of 'Blondin Donkey'. Perhaps we really do have two sets of eyes ~ the physical ones and 'spiritual' ones for certainly at times the most obscure of things strike chords of familiarity deep within the soul. Such a curious feeling.