Baroness Margaret Thatcher has died. A colossal figure of the 20th century and of this there is no doubt. What is also in no doubt is the fact that she divided the nation, some loved her, other hated her but regardless of your political views, celebrating an elderly ladies death (indeed anyones death) is never acceptable. But alas low people will always show their colours and some are using social media to foam at the mouth in pathetic glee. I shall speak no more of them.
Rest in peace Margaret. Many despised you, many feared you, many misunderstood you. I didn't. As far as I'm concerned, you were one of the best politicians Great Britain ever had. Girl power proper and if half the politicians nowadays had your backbone this country wouldn't be the mess it is now.
Maggie, you are now in a much better place and I will leave the final words with you (words which could be a 'motto' to this blog in fact): "I love argument. I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me - that's not their job."