Says it all?
They say that the devil makes work for idle hands, and in the horrible case of Mick Philpott, its true. Philpott, his wife and a friend are due for sentencing this morning over a fire that killed 6 of his children. All because he didn't want to give up the £1000 in benefits they gave him. No more a father, than a terrible 'spermbot' made flesh.
Very few photographs say SCUM louder than that of this vile man. Bullied his mother. Attempted murder of an ex girlfriend. Scrounger supreme. Some would say (look at the Daily Mail up there) a living illustration of 'benefits Britain'. And when you see what this family received in state handouts, its hard to argue against it; £60,000 a year, 2 50" Plasma televisions, caravan, anything they asked for it would seem. Reports of his sordid lifestyle will certainly harden public attitude to welfare reform.
Choose any national newspaper today and you can read all about Philpott's antics but im appalled at some attempting to paint wife, Mairead, as a victim. A victim? Really? Sorry but I don't see it myself, all I see is another contemptible person, all too eager to partake in 'dogging' escapades (sex with strangers.) An utterly abhorrent and shabby couple. Hard to believe human beings can sink so low.
So what to do with them? Well I heard a lawyer earlier on the radio say that he cannot see a sentence of less than life in prison for all three of these cretins. Lets hope so! I sincerely hope that when the jail door closes, the next time it opens for them is feet first.