Now don't get carried away with the title, im not suggesting a massive dust up between Brits and Americans involving blood and bullets. Im talking about the much less lethal sport events and how we differ in what we enjoy. (Mind you sporting events can turn out pretty lethal in their own way.)
Here in good old Blighty the most popular sports are football (soccer) and cricket, with rugby and perhaps snooker also having a healthy share of fans. Whilst across the pond our American cousins prefer NFL (American football) baseball and basketball. Golf is enjoyed on both sides of the Atlantic but really can't compete with football, British or American.
But there is no avoiding the sporting snobbery which exists between the two countries. Some examples; over here you get people laughing at the MLB (Major Baseball League), calling it 'rounders', or we call the NFL (American football) rugby for softies who have to wear pads and helmets. And don't ask about the ridicule that NASCAR enjoys ('enjoy' probably being not the right word.)
And in the United States cricket is too boring and the five day games are not to their liking. Also soccer is too soft Stateside. (I agree with them there.)
Its great to hear of 'crossover' fans like someone in Arizona loving rugby or someone in Haverfordwest having a baseball fixation. At times the differences in sport make for a successful translation and people simply 'get it.' I myself am a good example because I love a decent hockey match or a quick blast of basketball on a games console. In fact videogames are a great way to introduce people to new sports, it was certainly my gateway into golf, basketball and NFL.
I think the only sport which has been hugely popular in both countries is wrestling and thats more pantomime than real sport. Im not bashing it, im simply saying its not a sport like rugby or NHL.
Its a shame a lot of us will not even attempt to get into a different sport or try to understand them better because if we did the sports would get new fans and more appreciation. Everyone would be a winner. I urge you dear reader to try it sometime. Maybe a Brit can get into baseball or somone in the USA get a taste for darts. It must be so bland being a sporting snob.
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