It first got aired in 2008 but due to hardly bothering with television I missed it. Yes even with all the internet trailers and adverts flying about. I had seen a few photos knocking around and loved the tattoo designs but it wasn't until a few friends on a gaming forum started raving about it that I started to take a serious interest in those guys of SAMCRO (Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club, Redwood Original.)
Sons Of Anarchy (God thats an awesome title) was created by Kurt Sutter and it revolves around the lives of a motorcycle gang (sorry CLUB) who have a hand in various interests like gun running and basically protect the fictional town of Charming in the non fictional California. Protect it from other unsavoury gangs and crooks that is.
The gangs (sorry CLUB) protagonist is Jackson 'Jax' Teller who has read his fathers story (he helped found the club) and is now questioning his role as Vice President and the way SAMCRO is heading. His step-father Clay is the gangs (sorry CLUB) president and he prefers the violent ways to get things done. Its The Sopranos but with less Italian Americans and more tattoos.
And boy does it work! I thought a drama series about hell's angels would be all bar room brawls and rock music, and while theres nothing wrong with that stuff it would make for tedious drama. This is anything but tedious. Its well written, runs at a great pace and the cast is fantastic! I wasn't sure I could believe Katey Sagal as the tough wife and mother of two of the top guys of a motorcycle gang (sorry CLUB) after her stint as Peggy Bundy (Married...With Children) but she is a revelation and plays her part BRILLIANTLY as Gemma Teller Morrow. As does Charlie Hunnam who plays her onscreen son Jax Teller. (I was happy to discover he's British.)
All the cast are wonderful from Ron Perlman's ruthless Clay right down to the shows creator Mr Sutter who plays perma incarcerated Big Otto and seldom does a show get a quality of cast this good.
Oddly enough (and true to my NEED IT NOW nature) I have still not watched an episode on a television channel, I just went and bought Season One on DVD, then as soon as the show got its oily hooks into me (after half hour of the Pilot episode) I rushed out and bought Season Two. I don't think I could stand to watch the episodes once a week on television because they are so gripping and once Ive watched one I NEED to see what comes next. Thats why with the second season im watching first episode, 'Albification' straight through to closing episode, 'Na Triobloidi'. It simply must be done because im greedy when I discover something new that I enjoy and have to have my fixes all in one, juicy go.
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