My idea of the afterlife is a bit more exciting than the usual old-man-with-a-white-beard version beloved of so many. I like to call it EverWorld (its a hipper word than 'Heaven') and there I like to think its a mix of War Of The Worlds, Planet Of The Apes, Mario Land with a dash of Texas Chainsaw Massacre thrown in. I still keep the rivers of wine idea because that simply is a wonderful thing and even souls need a drop of booze now and then.
Dead is dead is worse than dead itself. Plain boring and only the lowest wit or character would believe it surely?
Eternal paradise? Just up the road on the right
I believe the place where we go after the grave is closer to this one than the one where clouds and harps are popular, and have bits of each of the themes ive mentioned above in it. EverWorld has a human touch; food and drink is definately in abundance, stuff that doesn't reach its sell by date. Im guessing there will things to do also, not work exactly but something where all the spirits contribute otherwise eternity could get ever so tedious.
Neither will it be all peace and goodwill because its through disagreements that solutions are found (even the populace of paradise need to bicker) so its a bop on the head for harmony loving angels im afraid. One simply could not face a forever after agreeing and being charming. That way leads to madness. And severe rash.
As for the idea of there being a hell, then of course an otherworldly punishment exists there but its not damned to burning in pits of molten lava. Its more like a sin bin (only for real SINS) like we have in rugby or ice hockey. Do a little blaspheming or spill an archangel's pint and you spend five years in the bin. And because this is eternity those five years will feel like five minutes. More grievous transgressions equals more time in the bin, in perhaps a less comfortable type of cage.
So the next thing is bodies. Do we arrive at the gothic, electric gates in the mess we left earth; bloodied, gasping, diseased and waiting for a new breath? Or do we slip into our new and improved form as soon as the line goes flat? In my mind the former makes more sense because if we were able to just shake off the ravages of our previous, useless bodies and be instantly healed from whatever fatal strike finished us (on earth) then it leaves no hope of getting the soul to repent their mortal wrongdoings. Why should they? They are transformed. On the other hand if we remain in our crushed, wheezing shells on admittance into EverWorld then chance of genuine regret and repentance exists.
To sum it up we would be angels (not the feathery-keen-on-harps type) infused with electricity and buzzing like eagles hooked up to a power grid. Perhaps similar to the image above. Immortal but not invincible until sins on earth are truly atoned.
So that, in a fashion, is that. My vision or idea of Life Everafter. Its more imaginative than just looking into a gravelly pit and slightly more cooler than clouds and hymns. And the truly great thing about all this is I could very well be right!
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