Oh puleeze! Pass me the sick bag already! There is nothing worse than hearing or seeing two genuinely gifted guys kiss each others behinds.
You Gonna Pose With It Or Play It?
And before ya' all get the wrong idea, I like these guys! Big fan of both Aerosmith and the Deppster, but reading the gushing of Mr Tyler made me cringe in my studded boots. Did he have to sound so pukey? Heres a guy who has ingested vast quantities of booze and drugs, and rocked a trillion faces, sounding like a teenage girl talking about her first crush.
Yes Johnny Depp is a fine actor (ignoring the sh!tty sequels to Pirates Of The Caribbean) and will no doubt be remembered as such but the fawning over him sometimes goes way over the top. Its not his fault of course, he just carries on being his cool self but if you ever stumble across this corner of the interwebz Johnny, would you be so kind as to tell your fans to tone it down a touch? Diolch (thank you), your number one fan but with less tongue up your butt.
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