Listen, I have been to rehab myself, way back in April 1996, a very exclusive, private one in Lancashire, and let me tell you now that having a few snifters before being admitted is nothing out of the ordinary. Almost everyone in there would have done it.
Me In A Private Rehab Clinic in 1996
Hell, I had to travel over four hours to get to my clinic and in the car (I wasn't driving obviously) I took around 145mg of valium and got through a ton of alcoholic lemonade (Hooch) mixed with vodka. I could hardly stand when I checked in and for days later was so toxic that I threw all my food down the toilet, clogging up the plumbing.
We are drinkers for f**ks sake! Alcohol is our cocoon, our comfort blanket. Does anyone really expect us to enter a detox ward completely sober? To venture into a strange and unknown place without the numbing waves of intoxication? Never. To we who drink more than most, the last drinks before rehab serves two purposes; to calm the nerves and to have 'one for the road', a last kiss with the liquid lover. Okay it seldom is a last kiss for a lot of us, as we like to visit her again on the outside but its a symbolic thing before entering those sanitized, sober doors.
Leave the lovely Ms. Winehouse alone. My God, some folk are the human equivalent of vultures.
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