What has this woman done that will be remembered? All she's ever done was appear in a girl band (that are ten a penny these days), and was only ever a major deal in Britain, they could never have hoped to have broke into the US. And lets face it, the UK is hardly a big place. Chaz n' Dave made it big here FFS! Cole is not what you could call a major talent like other British artists who have been successful in America like Elton John, Rod Stewart and George Michael. She is not on this level and never will be. Feel free to come back andd leave a comment under this post if she does, i'll be waiting.
Average: Cole
The tabloids are full of faux shock that Cheryl, 'Britain's sweetheart' (give me a f**king break!) has been unceremoniously chucked off the US Crap Factor because the Americans couldn't understand her accent. Can anyone outside of Newcastle understand it? I certainly can't and coming from West Wales where we have a lot of different accents, this is saying something. And no offence to Geordies, but they do have a ghastly accent.
Face it, Cheryl Cole does not possess the star quality to make it big in America and was rightly given the boot, because if she did have that quality she would still be Stateside, foul accent or not.
And for the red tops to say that this has shredded her hopes of launching a successful singing career over there is quite frankly ludicrous. Better face it people, Cole isn't the Madonna or even Kylie that you had thought and is now back where she belongs, on a tiny unspectacular stage. Goodbye Cheryl.
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