Thursday, 28 June 2012

The Games Need The Beckham Star

Wot no Beckham?

I believe David Beckham was the reason London got the Olympic Games in 2012. As a truly global name and clean living family man, he was its greatest ambassdor and I like many many others never imagined his place in Team GB would ever be in doubt. (And remember im not even a football fan). But alas Beckham will have no part in the Games because Team GB coach Stuart Pearce has left him out of the squad in favour of three other older players, namely Ryan Giggs, Craig Bellamy and some fellow called Micah Richards. Nice one! Becks practically gets London the Olympic Games single handedly (bit OTT but bare with me) and this is how he is repayed? Not good enough im afraid.
The amount of times Dai Jakes has defended David Beckham you'd think he was on the Becks' payroll (not true unfortunately) but Mr Jakes is only throwing his voice in with the majority of people. Beckham ought to be part of Team GB. Yes he's 37 but he's still very fit and playing professional football, even if is out in Los Angeles. He's as fit as any other plater will be and at exactly the same stage of his career as Ryan Giggs. And dare I say it, Beckham will give 110% everytime, he always does for his country (unlike others I could mention).
Now like I say, I admit to not being a football fan, so I am not aware of Stuart Pearces achievements in the sport but he is being foolish in this decision. (Not to mention a tad spiteful). Even as I type this piece, fans on the radio are phoning in by the dozen to say that one of the reasons they wanted tickets for the football in the Olympics was to see David Beckham and now many have said they will sell their tickets on. Why? Because David Beckham has a star quality that rises way way beyond any other player and its a disgrace that Pearce has left him out. A decision which will hurt the games, you'll see.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

In It Together?

Trust me!

At his speech yesterday about Welfare cuts I wasn't suprised the Prime Minister didn't refer to the tragic case of Karen Sherlock. Karen was a patient awaiting a kidney transplant and was still deemed 'fit for work' by Atos. She spent two years fighting for benefits which were rightfully due to her, only two to die two weeks after a successful appeal.
Tell me, what kind of a nation subjects the dying to such treatment? A pretty bloody heartless one, and one im increasingly falling out of love with with every twist of our governments knife. Im all for cracking down on the the workshy who falsely claim sickness benefits in order to sit on their lazy backsides all day but attacking the genuine claimants, (some like Karen Sherlock on deaths door), is not the actions of a government who declare we are all 'in it together' (and if believe that, you'll believe anything).
There must be changes but not on the backs of the truly sick and disabled who have enough to deal with without worrying themselves into the grave. And this is whats happening. But then the vulnerable will always be an easy target for popmous politicians who are for the most part only in it to make a name for themselves in the history books.
Do you really think Lord Snooty and his Eton crew care about the average person, struggling to cope with the insecurities of jobs and money? Not on their silver spoons. This coalition has been a shambles from the beginning and far from helping those at their wits end, they are driving people like poor Karen Sherlock to despair. Caring? Don't dare believe a word of it. And the frightening thing is I cannot see Labour, UKIP, etc being any better.

Saturday, 16 June 2012

Walking Over Water

Play another song

So yet another chap has used a tightrope to get to Canada? Ho hum, is there any toast left? Forgive me for not sounding too excited but I can't help it because im not. Why? Simple, its been done before, many times. Congratulations on a personal achievement and all that but in the greater scheme of things, its no big deal. Like climbing Everest. You see for me, the minute feats such as these have been conqured once, thats it, the spell is broken and the men/women who follow are of no interest (to me). Im not saying it shouldn't be applauded, I wouldn't/couldn't do it and for those that do, well done, outstanding but realise this: you are merely joining history, not creating it.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Hulking Good Wallpaper

Mr Jakes avoid chamomile

During a quiet spell between a beef sarnie and a cuppa, I made this spiffy looking wallpaper. Granted its only a few words of self promotion slapped onto an image of the Incredible Hulk but I feel it rather hits the spot. In its own 'bloggy-fill-a-few-minutes' way. Its not all poetry, philosophy and bathtime reflections you know.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Happy With Less


England drew 1 ~ 1 with France yesterday at the Euro 2012 competion, and tabloid paper The Sun's headline this morning summed it up for me how far we have slumped when it comes to ambition: "Yippee! A Draw!" Is this really something to crow about? A puny 1 ~ 1 draw? I understand not wanting to be arrogant and cocksure in sports but surely only a win is something to applaud? And yet even the coach, Roy Hodgkinson has said he was happy with the result so I must be missing something.
Doubt many other countries would be very jubilant after a result like this. Who remembers 1 ~ 1? History certainly won't. Players read papers too and when they see the media celebrating a very average performance, they will remain being just that, average. Headlines like this do not ispire winners. Why up your game when supporters and journalists are all seemingly content getting draws? Play as we are playing, no need to use another gear.
I can't imagine this would have been the case of the England 1966 team when they won a World Cup and perhaps this is why England will never win another one. Supporters are too impressed with a lacklustre draw.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Experiment le Euro 2012

Dai's team

Dai Jakes is not a football fan but as there is no getting away from Euro 2012 will get involved in score predictions to see how accurate a non football fan with no knowledge of the sport whatsoever can be with the results.

Today scores according to Mr Jakes:

Poland 1 ~ Greece 1 (Actual score Poland 1 ~ Greece 1)

Czech Republic 2 ~ Russia 1 (Actual score Czech Rep Russia )

Sunday, 3 June 2012

History Meet History

The River Thames 2012

The Thames and the City by Canaletto, 1847

Thames Jubilee pageant 2012

Sunday 3rd June, 2012 and the Queen's Diamond Jubilee (only the second one in history). To celebrate, the famous Thames flotilla scene painted by Canaletto all those years ago has been recreated and Dai Jakes thinks that whoever had this idea deserves a few drinks. We're all part of history today dear readers, this won't ever happen again. Wonderful scenes!

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Diamond Jubilee 2012

Time for an ale yet?

For the next four days Great Britain is celebrating Queen Elizabeth II 60 years reign, and being as this is only the second Diamond Jubilee in the United Kingdoms history it is a pretty historic event whatever your feelings on the Royal family.
"Gawd bless yer Ma'am!" Is what I imagine some over zealous cockneye is shouting from under a Union Jack flag and cap decorated with pin badges of the St George Cross and The Who. And good luck to them, I hope those celebrating have a good day and everything runs according to plan.
Dai Jakes however is not a big fan of the monarchy so instead of filling a blog with the usual photographs of regal pomp and ceremony (there are hundreds of other bloggers doing that) here there will be more 'man-on-the-street- type photos to show you all what it looks like in our towns, away from London and the glare and pizzazz of newsrooms and glossy magazines.

I love corgies. And Special Brew.

I flicked stations at halftime during the Wales v Barbarians rugby game (Wales won by the way) to see what sort of coverage the Diamond Jubilee was getting in the United States, and sure enough CNN have caught the bug too. So much so that the weather forecast for tomorrow was the top story. In case you are wondering dear reader, tomorrow is when a thousand ships and boats sail down the Thames with Her Majesty and Prince Philip on a throne on the main ship. Mr Jakes is looking forward to that. One thousand ships of all sizes. The mind doeth boggle.

It rains here. A lot.

But for now lets have some music from Johnny and chums! Apologies for the obvious choice but its still a great tune all these years on. And I was never a Sex Pistols fan when I first started listening to metal/punk. Ithought they were thick yobs with nothing to say or offer. God Save the Changes.

Rowdy louts or visionaries?

Patriotic tissue

This is interesting (albeit in a gory sort of way). Last saturday I cut myself shaving (not the famous beard, just experimenting with a bald top lip) and as everyone is aware I have a camera always at the ready like a photo obssessed Billy the Kid. Prepared for any ghost or alien that decides to pay a visit or in case of clumsy accidents like above.
It bled like a ripe tangerine and naturally I happily snapped away, hoping for a decent shot of a rich, crimson swab of pretty mulch that I could use in some post or other. Hey Presto! A week on and I have it. The colours fit: red, white and blue and its kinda heart shaped which denotes passion. More passion for Wales but you get the picture. And so did Mr Jakes.

Cool Brittania!

Pets At Home in Carmarthen

Even the animals in Pets At Home have the Jubilee bug, as you can see from the Union Jack above the guinea pig and rabbits enclosure.