Monday, 29 April 2013

In Care of a Mortal Thread

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Hedd, Perfaith Hedd

This could be an extension to an earlier post about the frailness of life, and however much a heavy heart that is behind the force that wills me to write it, write I must.
Such dreadful news last week when we heard of the mini bus crash on the M62 near Pontefract which killed one girl and seriously injured a dozen others (indeed the bride to be may never walk again.) On their merry way to celebrate a hen party, about as far from the thoughts of death as you could ever hope to be, and in an instant their world is cruelly shattered forever. A sobering jerk back into dreadful reality.
What a foul blow! How mercilessly each and every one of us are shadowed by death; a fragile thread which anchors us to life but at any second could end with less force than a sparrows heartbeat. One breeze less than the flicker of a flame. Such gentle turbulence that carries mortals onward through collared mists, on roads, on seas and valleys of wild woods.
This should serve as a reminder that however bad life may seem, the clockwork of the heart must continue or else be doomed to an even earlier grave, where the cancer of misery cuts down human roots without pity or care. Death is not a solves solver of problems, it simply hides them better while sadness cuts to the quick.
Think on these tragic incidents when the smile fades.

RIP Bethany Jones, may the softest lullabies sing you to your rest.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

London ~ Boston


In a show of respect and support to victims of the Boston bombings, a 30 second silence will be held at the start of todays London marathon. Also, most of the 36,000 runners will wear black ribbons as a gesture of solidarity with the people of Boston. Dai Jakes won't be running but figured I could show my support too, so made this badge.

Enjoy, run well and peace!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

The Fragile Mighty

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Souls in the rain

What a dreadful week! Mr Jakes is happy as frothy ale to see its tail~end. First we had the sickening news of the Boston Marathon bombing, then we had the depressing funeral of Baroness Thatcher, and as a triple whammy (you know just make us feel extra secure in our mortality) we learned of a devastating explosion at a fertiliser plant in West Texas that killed 14 (at last count) and injured many, many more. Oh and breaking news as I type is that we are hearing of an earthquake in China where 124 have been killed and over 600 injured in the Sichuan province.
Dear me, how fragile are we? Mankind; all conquering with an unrivalled history of both destruction and creativity, (no beast could ever match our thirst for knowledge) and yet 'clothed' in mortal flesh that makes us as vulnerable as a cobweb in a meat grinder. Be grateful we possess a spirit that can seemingly withstand all the horrors the planet throws at us, or we would be crushed like mice under the mighty wing of an eagle. Of course life often reminds us just how puny we truly are, however much build and strengthen our kingdoms. We can never overcome unseen forces at work, as to Mother Nature we are but delicate babes in very mortal arms.

Each step a gift, each step into an unknown future which could meet End at any second.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A Good Promise

Death lurks in the shadows. It plots and plans, then pounces to maim and kill. To destroy and take away any scrap of happiness you may have. To ruin thy life, that is deaths aim in this world (but not the next.) It wants to take away your fun and replace it with black holes of mourning. Death has no heart as it showed yet again last night when news of the dreadful bombing of the Boston marathon was announced to the world. And the very spirit of death walked tall, blooming in its macabre cloak, prowling amidst a horrified and bloodied crowd of thousands.
But do you know what stood taller? What shined brighter than a million diamonds adrift at the foot of the ocean? It was human. Those brave folks, who after the explosions had spread their miserable carnage, went out and tended to the dying and grievously wounded without care for their own skin. Those bent figures were not bowing at all! Evil must never forget this. All of those figures were shards of good, the un~killable good, who after receiving a body blow will shrug it off and gather its pieces (the mortal flesh) to heal and live again.

Good will always triumph over evil for you cannot break the human spirit.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Welcome to the (Death) Party

Cin Cin?

A wise poet once said, "do not dance on your enemies grave, for tomorrow your friend dies." The people planning on holding 'death parties' in celebration of Margaret Thatchers death would do well to heed these words. Its perfectly monstrous to think that human beings could stoop so low as to want to raise a glass to a fellow humans passing. How low can ye go? Baroness Thatcher might not have been everyones cup of tea (to say the least) but at the end of the day, this was a very ill 87 year lady who has left us and it is hardly time for celebration. Not if you fancy keeping a shred of humanity and dignity.
The time for cheering was when Lady T resigned. All the hatred aimed at her in life has no purpose now but to serve anger itself because she is in her eternal sleep of jewelled flowers and golden tea, where drafts of rage can no longer touch her. And considering how the Iron Lady would have swatted any petty criticism aside like a tiger toying with a shrew when she was alive, I cannot think how these foul sounding 'death parties' will be anything other than proof of how low man can sink. Only the most ignorant and stupid will gain a scrap of joy from popping a cork over a coffin.
And these are generally the liberal types who have the gall to call me barbaric for supporting the death penalty! Listen, the next time you fellows accuse me (and the Conservatives) of being uncaring, cruel and evil, Mr Jakes will remind them of this behaviour.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Baroness Thatcher 1925 ~ 2013

Baroness Margaret Thatcher has died. A colossal figure of the 20th century and of this there is no doubt. What is also in no doubt is the fact that she divided the nation, some loved her, other hated her but regardless of your political views, celebrating an elderly ladies death (indeed anyones death) is never acceptable. But alas low people will always show their colours and some are using social media to foam at the mouth in pathetic glee. I shall speak no more of them.

Rest in peace Margaret. Many despised you, many feared you, many misunderstood you. I didn't. As far as I'm concerned, you were one of the best politicians Great Britain ever had. Girl power proper and if half the politicians nowadays had your backbone this country wouldn't be the mess it is now.
Maggie, you are now in a much better place and I will leave the final words with you (words which could be a 'motto' to this blog in fact): "I love argument. I love debate. I don't expect anyone just to sit there and agree with me - that's not their job."

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


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Says it all?

They say that the devil makes work for idle hands, and in the horrible case of Mick Philpott, its true. Philpott, his wife and a friend are due for sentencing this morning over a fire that killed 6 of his children. All because he didn't want to give up the £1000 in benefits they gave him. No more a father, than a terrible 'spermbot' made flesh.
Very few photographs say SCUM louder than that of this vile man. Bullied his mother. Attempted murder of an ex girlfriend. Scrounger supreme. Some would say (look at the Daily Mail up there) a living illustration of 'benefits Britain'. And when you see what this family received in state handouts, its hard to argue against it; £60,000 a year, 2 50" Plasma televisions, caravan, anything they asked for it would seem. Reports of his sordid lifestyle will certainly harden public attitude to welfare reform.
Choose any national newspaper today and you can read all about Philpott's antics but im appalled at some attempting to paint wife, Mairead, as a victim. A victim? Really? Sorry but I don't see it myself, all I see is another contemptible person, all too eager to partake in 'dogging' escapades (sex with strangers.) An utterly abhorrent and shabby couple. Hard to believe human beings can sink so low.
So what to do with them? Well I heard a lawyer earlier on the radio say that he cannot see a sentence of less than life in prison for all three of these cretins. Lets hope so! I sincerely hope that when the jail door closes, the next time it opens for them is feet first.

Monday, 1 April 2013

Kongle Flux

Router is dead at the moment for some techie reason (that is sadly beyond my skills) so im currently and most definately OFFLINE. Bugger. Also its that most dreaded of days; a sober sunday. Double bugger. Barman! I will have a glass of cyanide and a rope, and im counting on you to kick the chair from under me. Laughs Out Loud. Actually im not THAT bad (yet) but being without the interweb beast is certainly annoying. And its.....different. Like a made up word that sounds familiar but is totally nonsense. Let me think. Kongle Flux. Yes, thats it! Being offline is truly Kongle Flux.
Yes, yes im well aware we coped before the advent of WWW and its furry little dotcoms but now that its here, life when its not here seems emptier. And I know that sounds awfully tragic in a basement dweller type way but its true! Im not talking about updating Facebook statuses or Tweeting sports scores here either, I mean the convenience of researching dates and facts, or gathering intel for journeys such as the best routes, road closures, etc. Without the webby, I am at the mercy of radio and that horrible television when local news comes on. I feel cut off. Infertile even. Like a Buddhist without his chants. Or Barry John without his kicking togs.

*Fastforward 9 hours and its a pleasure to be back!