Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Morning Light Lights the Brain Dew

Ive often heard that night time can inspire a batch of good thoughts or ideas, but in my experience the same can be said of the morning. More so even. Especially on beautiful sunny mornings (because dark, rain filled ones can do the opposite and fuel a glut of misery).
Wales is currently experiencing a run of fabulous weather, (we are not merely a rival to Rome and Athens but beating them) and this morning at 5.45am just as you could see the rising light of the sun, it was so peaceful that I felt shrouded in serenity. It wasn't utterly peaceful of course because the dawn chorus of the feathered kind was in full swing, featuring an assortment of different birds, but I find birdsong adds to the peace.
And if I close my eyes on mornings such as this I feel as if I could be anywhere. I feel 'chains' lifting, making me believe I could take myself off to wherever I wished just by thinking it.

Mind valium: the view on my doorstep

Its hard to explain but it doesn't matter where I am in the world, if the sun happens to infiltrate the dawn I feel as though my spirit has clicked into the nature of Life. It all falls into one big happy jigsaw and I don't feel as if im in a certain place, I feel only Life. And I know all this sounds like ive had a particular type of mushroom for breakfast but I assure you dear reader, ive only had bacon.
And the sense of peace is incredible, especially as I live out in the wild countryside, which only amplifies the calm. I have never underestimated the power of the sun and nature since allowing a glorious morning to sweep me away in its tranquil spell.

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