So more drugs are getting in prisons eh? Simple! Ban visiting to inmates. Does Dai Jakes have to think of everything? Its entirely their fault their locked up in the first place so little sympathy should afforded them. Take away their 'human rights' the instant they break the law so they cant whine we're breaching any rights, and for the term of the sentence the prisoner has less rights than a garden slug. A HMP prison visiting room must be an awfully desperate place to spend an afternoon for the family so my guess is they would be secretly over the moon at not having to travel to see their wayward family member. What doest thou think dear reader? Too draconian?
We could always go the other way and allow them all the narcotics they wish so they could drop like flies and be less burden on taxpayers? Either way works for Mr Jakes. And please don't try to bruise me with name calling (apart from 'barbaric', I like that one), its merely a suggestion and hardly ever likely to happen now is it? I burnt my toast earlier and just needed to vent.