Yes its mainly an American tradition but spending time with family whilst feasting and giving thanks for the wonderful bounty life hands us shouldn't necessarily be exclusive to our friends across the pond. Also think about this for a second: isn't a tad silly for Atheists and 'lapsed Christians' to celebrate Christmas? "Yay! Its a guy I don't believe in (supposed) birthday, lets eat a turkey and get sick on Sherry!" No offence dear readers but I find that to be plain weird.
But there is a way to not miss out on the festivities and look less shall we say 'confused'. You know whats coming right? Yup,swap Yuletide for Thanksgiving! This way you can still enjoy giving gifts and roasting birds (and getting sick on Sherry) without all that Nativity and church nonsense (nonsense to non believers of course.)
I dont know about you but it makes a great deal of sense to me. So see you all on November 22nd then, bring on the turkey! Toodle Pip for now!
Not a fake tree in sight