Pity mun!
PETA have said it's planning to stage protests at various Hobbit premieres around the world after ponies, goats, sheep and chickens died making the film.
Now I don't wish to sound cold here, and we have a duty to care for animals, but will people really be upset/angry or even bothered over this news? Afterall we are a meat loving species whatever spin the vegans put on it and millions of chickens are killed every day for those beloved KFC Bargain buckets. Plus I suspect the lines at the cinema for the Hobbit will still be extremely healthy. Sure there will the initial huffing and shouts of "this is an outrage!" But folk will setle down once the headlines are cold.
Hollywood have it all figured out. And so has Mr Jakes. This is how it works ~ Hollywood doesnt give a sh*t about you not giving a sh*t. Its a sad full stop but its true nonetheless. There was no pleasure in pointing this unhappy fact out, and as I look out to a dark and rainy evening, it isn't hard to imagine demons out there at work. (Bit of 'artistic dramatics' to end this post with.)