And here is another one. There are too many selfish souls in this world, and too many wicked ones as well, so together with Lady Luck I am going to make the place a happier one for those near me. "How?" I hear you ask. Simple. If (and I realise its a BIG if) I were to ever win the lottery, and depending on the amount of course, them im going to spread the wealth with some Facebook friends by paying off their mortgages or something.
Not always the route of all evil
Now obviously with over a 100 friends (how did I get that many?) the lottery isn't big enough to do it for everyone but id figure it out. Perhaps hold a Facebook lottery of my own?
Why would I do this? Well because I happen to enjoy making people happy, simple as that. I have always preferred giving over receiving. It gives me a buzz. That and the fact that im a poet before all else and we are simple creatures where pleasures are concerned. (But very complicated in other matters, just ask my better half.)
If ever I won say £20m then keeping it all to myself would not make me happy, and a lot of my closest family are in better pastures, so this is the only logical thing to do. And I would hold a giant Facebook party because that way I could include everyone.
So there you have it. This article can be my bond. Im quite lucky too as a rule so you never know. My life has been pretty eventful so far.
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