There are floods and fires, the shutting down of airports and transportt systems. I heard somewhere that up to 300 bodies have been disccovered on a beach in Sendai, on the northeast Pacific coast with another 100 confirmed dead elsewhere.
Grim scenes of destruction
Obviously its still way too early to know the exact figures, as rescue services from all across the world have only just been deployed but as I watched the video footage of giant whirlpools and mega waves sweeping cars and building away like they were childrens toys, it brought home the understanding of how easily mother nature could destroy us all if she so wished. For instance the tidal waves have even reached the U.S shores of Oregon! Mankind is at her utter mercy and there wouldn't be a damned thing we could do if she decided to crush us all in one foul swoop.
It also makes one realise how little a grasp we mere mortals have on the bigger picture when you watch disasters played out in the movies. The film versions seem almost childish when compared to the real thing.
Looking through the online pages of destruction made me feel even more vulnerable, even more fragile. And all I can think of is those poor people, thousands of lives instantly shattered. So so awful and tragic and my heart goes out to each and every one affected by this disaster.
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