Mission accomplished I headed home and it was there that I noticed something I have never noticed before. (Or I have but don't remember it.) On the box was stamped ~ Can cause addiction and For three days use only. See photo below.
Watch out! Nanny's been about!
When on earth did this start happening? And is it really necessary? Okay some people are idiots and need to have things spelt out for them, I understand that but for a fairly intelligent and sensible (mostly) man like myself, reading this made me feel a kind of despair. Like we are all bozos who need to be guided through Life by governments and watchdogs like chimps or circus seals.
I find it quite insulting that we cannot be trusted. Granted there are certain sections of society who prove not everyone is blessed with wisdom but its offensive to suggest that everyone is an imbecile, hellbent on killing himself through ignorance.
And why aren't these warnings on other, stronger drugs? In my time I have been prescribed some pretty addictive substances such as benzodiazepines (valium, mogadon, temazepam, etc) but there are no warnings on them. Why? Seems to me these so called 'health watchdogs,' or whoever puts this soppy advice on tablet boxes are only there to cause frustration and resentment. If you need these things to help you then God save us all!
Also while im on this topic, why can I buy only two packets of paracetamol in most chemists and shops? Thats not going to prevent suicides if thats the aim. I'll just go to a bunch of shops and stockpile the darned things. Easily done too, especially when these 'pound' shops are seemingly exempt from this rule and are able to sell three or four packets for £1.
Ironic isn't it? I bought these pills to escape from pain and the damned wrapping they come in has given me the biggest headache going.
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