A glass of smoke please batman
We read today that an 18 year old girl has had to have her stomach removed after drinking 'Nitro Jagermeister', which is basically a cocktail laced with liquid nitrogen. Now im a big fan of Jagermeister but nitrogen? I'll pass dioch yn fawr.*
Why on earth are 18 year old girls drinking liquid nitrogen? Though I suspect I know the answer: the thirst not for alcohol but for attention. Yup there it is in bold letters. Attention loves to be seen and be bold, and these drinks are purely for the attention seeker. Now there is nothing really wrong with wanting a bit of attention but one has to take care because occasionaly, as this story proves, seeking out a bit of the spotlight can end up being rather bad for ones health. And at times is downright fatal. (Just do a little Googling and you'll find hundreds of stories.)
When Dai Jakes was 18 (back in 1864), it was all so different. In those days we used to be happy sitting in Ye Olde Cornishe Arms with a pint of Felinfoel and a Woodbine cigarette. And the lads used to chase girls with curves. It was a grand time.
Now we're seeing teenagers knocking back nitrogen and because they are pencil thin their puny bodies cant handle it and they flake out.
Seriously go back to the humble old pint. Its better for a longer life, and probably better tasting too.
*Diloch yn fawr is Welsh for 'thank you very much'.