Now as we do not know when our line runs out, or how fast the Elf is winding it in, I am going to publish in this here blog all the popular books, film, music, etc that I have never picked up. Ignored. Shunned. Passed by. Refused. Could not be assed.
**** DISCLAIMER ****
Im not trying to be the cool, indifferent guy here who hates all the popular sh!t. Hell I love Abba, Coronation Street, bacon, beer and Clint Eastwood and nothing is more appreciated than those things (aside from the soap opera). Its simply how I feel and how ive always felt.
Then I'll begin...
Star Trek
The only time I have ever watched this is when Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan came on the television once around a hundred years ago. I gave it a chance and watched the first half hour before concluding that my life wouldn't be the poorer without it. In fact the opposite seemed very clear. So all of these Spock references that others have made over the years have fallen dead at my feet like fumigated weasels and flat, warm lager.
The Beatles and Queen
My dislike for these bands is well known and I have written about it in other posts. I have never listened to an album by either of these acts, and only heard whats been played on the radio (until I reach the station tuner). Im no musician but they both have boring sounds (in my opinion) and their lyrics border on the childish. And yet they were huge. Weird.
I have never ever once watched anything by the likes of Steve Coogan, Caroline Aherne, Jack Dee, Peter Kay etc etc. I dont watch television much and this bunch would get me no nearer the remote.
James Bond
Out of all these films Ive watched two right through (Tomorrow Never Dies and Casino Royale) and two I got to halfway (Octopussy and Living Daylights). I never understood the appeal of spy movies and Bond in my opinion was an utterly unimpressive one. Bored me until my teeth itched.
Harry Potter
Never read the books or watched the films. I would rather peel my eyeballs and dunk my fingers in a meat mincer. I couldn't give a flying f**k about any of this rubbish.
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