My first computer was the Oric 1 which I had Christmas 1983, and with it came my first ever home videogames; Rat Splat! Zorgon's Revenge, Candyfloss & Hangman and Two Gun Turtle. (Im certain Centipede was in that bunch too). And I was Hooked. The lowly Oric had kick started a life long obsession with gaming, which still has me in its digital clutches as I home in on my 40th year on this planet.
And playing and playing and playing
I must have played literally hundreds of different videogames, from Pong right the way through to L.A. Noire, and besides from throwing large sums of cash at games related companies, I have also made a childhood dream turn very real. Back when I was rescuing the princess from the evil Zorgon on Tangerine's computer, or sinking 10p pieces into Double Dragon in the arcades, I used to think how cool it would be to own each and every game I played. (It was a popular wish I can tell you).
Of course it was pure fantasy in those days. Home computers could never replicate the power of arcade cabinets and so we made do with vastly down-sized versions and copies of the arcade hits. I had a Donkey Kong mania when I owned the Oric 1 and can remember my mother buying me a copy of Dinky Kong that was out for it at the time. It was a shambles of a clone but naturally I loved it at the time.
Today things are very different and consoles like the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 can easily bring the likes of Rampage and Kung Fu Master to life without breaking into sweat. And thanks to games publishers who have cottoned onto the fact that retro gaming has become extremely popular, the current generation systems do play the old gems since they appear on numerous Greatest Hits compilations. (Similar to music but better).
The discs contain around 25 games of old, so all I have to do is decide which one I fancy at any given moment. And here is where I decided to go all bloggy on yer web. Choice. When you consider I own 11 different gaming consoles, I must have over 250 videogames in my games library. Something that if you had told my 13 year old self all those moons ago, would have sent me into euphoric raptures! (Or at least given me some kind of gaming vertigo).
Far from being the Heaven I thought it would be, it can be quite frustrating if you're just looking for a game to pass 20 minutes with. I usually spend half that deciding which title to boot up. Will it be Gauntlet, Marble Madness, Smash TV, Yie Ar Kung Fu, Alex Kidd, Arch Rivals, Hunchback, Ghosts n' Goblins.... buzz! Times up! Dinners ready! Believe me this has happened more than once in my house.
But its not a particularly bad situation is it? I cant believe how I almost turned a cool thing into a moan! My 13 year old self has just told me to shut the f**k up and play some of these damned fine games. Peace.
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