This is far from a new idea of course, one only has to look to the Colosseum in Rome and films like The Running Man to know that. Even videogames have have it covered with games like Smash TV (see pic).
But I would support this if it were ever made into reality. (It never would of course but we can dream). Two convicted murderers battling until death! And stepping away from the usual Hollywood script, there would never be the slightest chance of freedom for those who were triumphant in the arena. No, they would still be murderers and murderers need to be kept behind bars. Perhaps they could have a little extra chow at meal times or something? Free shower time maybe? I hear peace in prison showers is highly sought after, especially in American jails where convicts are more inclined to...erm you know what I mean.
It would draw millions of pounds/dollars if it aired on Pay Per View (as would live executions) and this money could go into victims charities.
The only downside would be stardom. Roman gladiators became superstars back in the day of the Colosseum so care would have to be taken to make sure this didn't happen with the inmates. Actually no, scrap that. Would anyone really hero worship a convicted child killer simply becuase they were forced to fight for our viewing pleasure? I doubt it.
This might be what one would call a barbaric idea but don't forget; coming up with ideas like this is in our nature. Look at our history.
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