Missing since 31st September
On the sunday morning just gone I was relaxing after a good night on the grog with a game of Tee Off (golf) on my Dreamcast console. The title is not a particularly amazing one but its part of my treasured games collection and in my opinion it has the right balance of difficulty for a golf game. But now its gone, having seemingly disappeared forever into the ether. Wedi mynd as we say in Welsh. Done a runner as the street kids say.
To be honest its quite frightening as there is no place for it to gone to. You see I am lucky enough to have a games room which is soley used to play videogames in. We don't eat in this room, or watch movies. Theres no seating save a giant beanbag because this it is a place dedicated to games. And as a keen gamer and a fussy collector I rarely take any of the hundreds of titles out of this room. It is my inner sanctum where I go to escape back into a time long gone and head for a different world.
Which is where I fear Tee Off has disappeared to. I have looked in every corner, inched along the skirting board like sozzled woodlouse but to no avail. There is no golf game to be found and its beginning to frustrate the bacon out of me. Where the fudge can it be?? I have checked other rooms on the offchance I broke my golden rule of never taking things out of my digital den but nada. Its gone like Shergar.
Could it be ghosts? This is the only rational explanation I can arrive at. Ive read of mischeivous poltergeists moving peoples belongings around (there are plenty of these stories in Welsh legends) and this must have been the fate of Tee Off. I keep a tight check on my ever growing games collection and these little gems never go AWOL on my watch. Pesky ghosts.
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