Jani onstage
Sad to hear about ex Warrant singer Jani Lane's passing a little earlier. Apparantly Jani was found dead next to vodka and pills. I am a huge metal fan, and love all the genres from glam to death metal and Warrant were a great little rock outfit back in the day.
I remember when Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich came out in 1989 and being very impressed with the tunes on it.Of course there was little MTV in those days (music vids were only just emerging) so these bands, especially in the metal genre had to rely on good songs and even better to gigs to grab peoples attention. Jani Lane and crew did exactly that to me and many, many others.
When Cherry Pie was released in the following year (1990) my tight fit panted friends and I would be rocking out to it as the beers and good times rolled like they were never gonna end. F**king epic times! Rest In Peace Jani, you were one of the bubbles in a glass of memories in my head that will never lose its fizz or sparkle.
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