How do I feel about this? Well being as im firmly in the Pro Death Penalty camp (you can find me posting under the screen name The Broker on ProDeathPenalty .com) I am absolutely fuming.
As anger is a great emotion to sculpt thoughts I will say exactly what I said on Facebook when I heard this news; that precious baby's killers should all be hanged at the Tyburn gallows (it could support triple hangings). There is no rehabilitation for scum who leave over 50 injuries including a snapped spine on a child. There is no change or reform; only death could ever be punishment enough. The hanging, drawing & quartering type. FREE? This is the reflection of a sick society indeed.
A common saying with the anti mob are "dont kill in my name." Well dont free them in my name either. Im certainly not part of this illness which has gripped the UK and Europe. Giving murderers a second chance? Its madness and will end in tears.
The Tyburn Tree could hang multiple inmates
This is what happens when a country foolishly abolishes the death penalty. Other sentences like life in prison get lowered because in scrapping capital punishment, we are almost saying that murder isn't so bad afterall. The less sentences criminals recieve, the less harm the public believe has been done. And its wrong. Not only wrong but wholly disgusting.
These evil swines (and im being unfair to pigs there) should never be seeing the light of day again! Hell at the very least they ought to be on a secure ward in Broadmoor until the end of their wretched days. They brutally murdered a child and they deserve freedom??! You sick, sick kitties.
The general public will be fetching the scythes and burning torches over this and good for them. This will do grave harm to society because when authorities are prepared to let sadistic child killers go unpunished (and with those type of sentences they did go unpunished), then respect for our judicial system flies out the court window.
This poor baby was let down by his 'parents' (and it galls me to call them that) and now Baby Peter has been let down by justice. Throughout his cruelly short life, everything was stacked against him and there was no hope. Even the law of the land mocks him, as it does with every victim of crime. No smarmy words from politicians and do-gooders could ever convince the public otherwise.
Great Britain? Criminal Britain more like. A land where causing over 50 injuries to a young child and eventually causing his death will earn you a three year prison term.
And to all those against capital punishment; I would rather have the death of one innocent executed on my conscience, than the deaths of many children.
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