And we would never do without them
The question on most folks lips every sunday morning after a night on the sauce is, 'God I feel rough! Why do I keep doing it?' Look around Twitter or Facebook and at least one of your friends will be putting this age old question as their status, while they hurl pretty coloured chunks into the toilet bowl. They will swear with shaking hands over frothing hearts that it will never happen again, that the love affair with alcohol is over, but it never is. And it never will be.
Do you know why? Because its worth it. Yes it is. No matter how long you spend with your nose almost touching the porcelain bowl, and no matter much your tongue feels like six month old roadkill, you will go and get sozzled again. And again after that. It is as inevitable as the dawn. You will deny it only until the pukee scabs wither and die and once they do, its time to ride the brandy again! (Or whatever floats your liver). It doesn't matter if you wake up with Gollum's uglier twin because after your system has kicked Mr Hangovers unsightly butt, you will be fit again to go about turning Gollum's uglier twin into another Johnny Depp lookalike.
Hangovers might sting a little but they are nowhere near miserable enough to dampen the good times that alcohol allow. Its a shame that after years of dedicated drinking, I no longer experience them but I have had some real bad ones in the past. Ive had ones that had me throwing up blood, to ones that have almost tipped my sanity over but my bid for the temperance society only lasted a few days at most.
Humans enjoy purging their bodies from toxins, only to batter their systems again and again with them. The hangover is part of the fun of drinking alcohol and people would miss it if it disappeared. I certainly do. I used to love feeling like death, then slowly feeling my body and soul come together again with the help of my mothers sunday roast dinners and a funny book. (Although to be honest my hangovers would in all liklihood be classed as 'medical emergencies' as I should have been hospitalised more than I actually was).
Mankind is a perverse thing, and feeling rough from booze is all part of the deal of being human. Alcohol gives us too much pleasure, relieves to much stresses for a hangover to be able to threaten any kind of abstinence. And sundays are so eye gougingly boring that we need something to keep us entertained.
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