I find women all the more attractive wearing them and its probaby due to the raunchy scenes which feature them. You know the ones im talking about; seemingly plain looking librarian wearing glasses and her hair bunched up when suddenly in a moment of wild abandonment she lets her golden hair tumble onto her smooth shoulders and pulls those glasses slightly down to peer over, teasing. Similar to this picture.
A classic look
Not wanting to wax lyrical about specs (but going to anyway,) they are like altars to the eyes. Glass steps to kneel on and give thanks. They make a person look infinately more interesting and make contact lenses very vulgar, as if the wearer is snootily telling the world, 'I don't wear glasses! Sniff!'
Of course some prefer the lenses and thats fine, its just they don't have the 'sexiness' of glasses. Also there's not much chance of a seductive scene when you are plunging two pieces of what look like glass into your eyeballs. Now, where's that librarian gone?
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