I pay just enough attention to the news to be able to converse in pubs and thats it. I have the television on as little as possible. I exist largely on my own ability to entertain myself and am one of those increasingly rare types who could live without it. (Not counting film and videogames of course.)
What music is popular I could not tell you. Actors under the age of say 35 I would not recognise. I hear others talk of tv shows and do not know what they are speaking of. I dont want to know, I am happy in my cocoon. I have never been that comfortable being social, even as a child and as I get older I am getting more withdrawn and even more wary of people. I am the ingrown toenail on the side of the planet if you like, slowly tearing myself off it.
Usual things like politics, sport, current affairs, religion, astrology, environment etc, etc have never interested me. Sure I feign interest for a while but it soon fades. The only constant in my life (save loved ones naturally) has been the creative itch that I have had since forever, driving me to write and paint until my spirit is exhausted and I crumple like paper to the floor.
That is the only spark (again save loved ones) firing my body up each day and were I ever to lose it....well that might be the End.
I was always the one in the pub who was 'outside' the conversation, throwing in the odd chuckle or nod of agreement to appear involved, but I never was. Not really. Nobody ever wanted to talk about death and madness, or poets and nature, so I remained silent. And I am not attempting to sound 'weird' or 'different' by admitting this, it simply IS.
I thought the internet might remedy some of my antisocial leanings but its only confirmed to me even more that solitude is what I crave. To be a mere observer in this world, never part of anything. And this suits me just fine.
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