Look down at that photo below. Do you see that golden battered fish with chips? Even if I was feeling ill with a rotten stomach ache, I could STILL eat that. But not just ANY old chippy will suffice, oh no. I mean some chip shops in this country can be quite revolting places which put shame on the good ones as I have said elsewhere in blogs. The fish & chips pictured here however (taken on my hungry lap no less) are from a place I am grateful that I only live 25 minutes away from. Dont just glance quickly and scroll on past the photo, LOOK AT IT! BASK IN ITS CRISPY AWESOMNESS! Believe you me dear reader, you have NEVER had it so good. In fact I only wish I was able to send you all a hot parcel of its lovliness to prove to you just how delicious it is!
Where is this fried delight? I hear you ask? Well I shall tell you, this fantabulous fish & chip shop can be found in Tenby, on Upper Park Road to be exact. And a visit will NOT disappoint. If it was any closer to me I would weigh over 20 stones and im not kidding! And if I knew the secret to cooking such amazing food im not certain I would be willing to share it with the world, but this shop DOES want to share and by the Gods we should be on our knees in thanks.
You think I exaggerate or go over the top in my praise? Take a look at another photo taken as yours truly was halfway through the meal. Look at those white flakes of fish, just waiting to melt in your mouth!
Simply divine!
This is heavenly I tell you, a dish that will send your tastebuds on a blessed journey of sizzling scrumptiousness. And its always FRESH, they cook food to order unlike some chip shops who keep their food festering until some unlucky person orders it and they nuke it in a microwave. I assure you Park Road chippy NEVER does this.
So what are you waiting for? If you live within half an hour of Tenby then get thee to the chippy and thank the Lord you have tastebuds! Those further afield then I am sorry. As soon as somebody comes up with a way to send food via the WWW highway I promise to send you a parcel.
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