Excuse my lame attempts at sound effects. Now as im a rather eager ghoul and proud of it! I will attempt to name all of the films and plays that have featured execution scenes.
1. Amongst Barbarians
This is a play by Michael Wall and was probably the first time I witnessed an execution scene on television. The tv adaptation featured David Jason and Lee Ross (who played one of the lads who was eventually hanged for drug smuggling.) It has possibly one of the most detailed hanging scenes ever put on film. I sat mesmerised as the director pans in on the two guys standing on the trapdoor, the white cloths over their heads being sucked in and out as they breathed their last.
2. Shocker
Horror flick by Wes Craven. This movie has one of my favourite tagline EVER ~ On October 2nd at 6:45am mass murderer Horace Pinker was put to death. Now he's REALLY mad.
3. A Letter from Death Row
1998 film by Poison singer Bret Michaels. He wrote, directed and starred in it. Ok it wasn't very good but no problem, it counts.
4. Let Him Have It
Film about Derek Bentley starring Christoper Ecclestone. This is a good film and Ecclestone gives a fine performance as Bentley which even had me rooting for him eventhough I knew he was going to swing. Me hard hearted? Never.
Horac is frying tonight folks!
5. I Want To Live!
Actress Susan Hayward won a Oscar for her role as Barbera Graham in this 1958 movie. The flick suggests Graham was actually innocent but then most of this type of film do.
6. The Chamber
The movie based on the John Grisham novel, starring the marvellous Gene Hackman. I think the finale is pretty accurate as to how being gassed to death goes down.
7. The Green Mile
Another great film, this time based on the writings of Stephen King. I was a pretty latecomer to this, having only first seen it in 2010. A rare exception where a good film is made from King's books.
8. Dead Man Walking
Probably the most famous film based on death row.
Just another reason to show this photo of Ms Sarandon's fantastic breasts
9. Sin City
The scene where Marv (Micky Rourke) dies in the electric chair.
10. Pierrepoint
Starring Timothy Spall as Britain's finest hangman. This film showed Albert Pierrepoint to be a sort of 'gentleman executioner', taking care of the condemned's body after sentence had been carried out. Wonderful little film.
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