'Deborah Kara who?'
But here is something that has been swilling around my games addled brain: do non gamers, people without the slightest interest in playing them whatsoever, get the same excitement from seeing these movies as gameing fans do? For instance if you have never guided Lara Croft through collapsing chasms on the Playstation what do you get out of watching the girl Jolie take on the role? (Aside from the hotpants.)
Or if you have never solved the Piano Puzzle in the first Silent Hill with clues from the poem A Tale Of Birds Without A Voice what sort of thrills does the movie version give you?
Surely those without interest in games find them souless, drab affairs? I mean we gamers know all the characters and explored and 'fought' at their side through many adventures. We know some of them almost intimately and the memories of long hours of playing the game version gives us something that non gamers can never have. We have been immersed into that world much further than casual cinema goers and experienced a bonding with characters.
Dont get me wrong, good films CAN be made from games, Silent Hill and Resident Evil are both pretty decent, (the games are much better of course) but I wonder if everyone gets the same excitement out of them. When someone finally makes a Metal Gear Solid film, surely some will think of it as just another Rambo type action flick when to others it will be much, much more.
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