Well apart from (a lot) of practice and building up those handy tolerance levels, there is an easy way provided one is able to dismiss a few other of lifes pleasures. For instance I rarely drink coffee and tea, preferring to stick to herbal teas like green tea and chamomile which I drink daily.
Breakfast of poets and champions
I am also not that keen on chocolate and sweets, apart from my beloved barley sugar but even they are a rare treat because my sweet tooth is not very sweet at all. So those are other types of rubbish that my body does not have to cope with. Im not saying I have the best of diets (quite the opposite) but without doubt my dislike for things such as coffee, biscuits and cakes enable me to eat more of the bad things that I do like.
One might even go so far as to say that my body gets its sugars mainly from alcohol for I seldom touch anything else that contains the sickly stuff. Even the odd cup of Glenngetty tea I have does not contain sugar because apart from the sugar in booze, sugar makes me feel quite sick.
However if I were to eat and drink those things mentioned I believe I could be dead by now. That would too much poison (caffiene and sugars ARE poisons) for a body to take.
I am also a big believer in things like milk thistle, cod liver oil and garlic which must also contribute to my well being. Those and of course not smoking are a huge boost to someone with my type of nightly habits. Okay im not going to live forever (now theres a horrid thought) but I believe I will live that little bit longer by doing what I do.
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