Thats right, I believe (with as much faith as the rest remember) that there are a crew of different Gods beyond this world, all huddled around a marble tavern table and laughing their asses off at the idiot mortals without clue nor rhyme. Even the athiests.
And why not? I can picture it; Gods with mighty muscles straining the seams of their crispy leather jackets as they sit around, elbows on the table, dragging on cigarettes and lifting ale to grinning mouths. Beards poking into ashtrays and gales whipping up a frenzy in the snowy wastes outside the Inn window, whilst scabby angels mooch around playing cards.
Why must only ONE supreme creator have the monopoly? And certainly it is possible that others are around too, if the masses are able to believe that ONE Divine Being exists? Did not Jesus say that we are unable to comprehend the life hereafter while we live on earth? (If it was not the lad from Nazareth then it was another prophet.)
We are down here killing each other over (mostly) religion, thinking one God is truer/better/whatever than another God while up in that sacred saloon the Gods (all of 'em) are supping ale, trying to drown their sorrows over creating such a mess.
I think we could be one big mistake. And that mistake is believing that there is only one God in the first place.
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