Why glad? Well for one its nice to see that sense of adventure hasn't been lost in some people, and im not surrounded by simple folk who stick to beans on toast and tea. There are those types of course but they are in their own hell.
Secondly these types of 'game meats' are extremely healthy (and tasty). Squirrel and rabbit are low in fat, a much healthier option than beef and when I think that people eat sh!t like Pot Noodles and fast food (no names mentoned of course but you know who they are) but turn their noses up at fluffy bunnies I really must laugh. So you won't eat Tufty but you are quite willing to poison yourself with crisps and processed cheese?
I think most of the revulsion stems from looking at the fur. Common mistake but if you saw the animal skinned and jointed it looks the same as pork joints. And you eat pork so whats the fuss? You don't flee from the butchers stand in horror do you?
A tasty nibble
Does not the lamb, bouncing merrily in the field in all its buttercuppy innocence, not look cute to you? It can't do because nobody (sane) would turn away a roast lamb dinner, and this is eaten every sunday by thousands of Brits. If people are able to remove the picture of the happy lamb from their minds to be able to plough through a traditional roast dinner, why can't they do the same with squirrels?
As for the comment "its like eating rats", well quite frankly thats completely idiotic. Look at a chicken coop some day, they aren't the cleanest of places let me tell you, and they are not the cleanest species of birds either. Yet the amount of chickens eaten every day is in its millions. Don't get me started with the popular chicken nuggets that teenagers (and lazy adults) seem to exist on. Its not chicken (well not the good parts of it) and the joke is definately on you!
Im tired of typing this but please, for the sake of your tastebuds if nothng else, put down that greasy, sorry mess of a supermarket pizza and try a squirrel pastie instead.