And not content with mere selfishness, we seem to have embraced greed, cruelty, indifference, envy and a whole host of other not so attractive traits. There was a perfect example of this in yesterdays news when it was reported that four US Marines have been pictured urinating on the dead bodies of Taliban fighters. No doubt hundreds of people found this horrible act hilarious (idiots) but its not how supposedly honourable soldiers should behave. And if this photo is not some fake, these yobs ought to be chucked out of the military without delay. Shameful behaviour, no matter who your enemy is.
There was another story however that did give me hope that the waves of calamity are not licking our heels...yet. Happy that it came from my beloved Wales too! Tragically a 77 year old lady in Newport died after the surgeon accidentaly tore her liver but the family accepted it was an error and have left it at that. If only the rest of us were as graceful and forgiving. Lesson to us all here and while money might be the lead in many souls, it hasn't smothered all of us.
How I wish I was as forgiving as this family! How not so distracted by the wink of money I was! The majority of us would head straight to our lawyers and sue so its encouraging to know we are not all like this. Proves somehow that humanity isn't doomed to a bitter and selfish grave. I constantly feel suffocated; surrounded by crabs and flocks of beastly shells with giant pinching claws and dead eyes. Stripped of emotion, only out for their own skins, hoarding their sugar baskets like rats in a stable. If I was the type who got depressed I probably would be.
However I can learn from these good people. You see by nature I am an utterly unforgiving man. Once crossed or slighted I am a horrible enenmy to have because I have no compassion (toward enemies) and very little in the way of conscience. But by reading good stories I can change and shape myself into a better human being. We all can if we learn by the good deeds of others. Being out for your own will serve nothing useful in the end.
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