The angel appears to Dwynwen
Dydd Santes Dwynwen hapus I pawb! Happy Saint Dwynwens Day to all!
This is Wales' equivalent of Valentine's Day (but with more Cwtches), celebrated today, 25th Jan.
Legend has it that Dwynwen became a nun and headed to Anglesey to build a church called Llanddwynwen, meaning 'Church of Dwynwen'.
There are a few versions of the story but here's my favourite.
Dwynwen fell in love with a prince called Maelon Dafodrill (don't all women love princes?) but sadly the king (her dad) had already arranged for her to marry another prince. Uh oh. This news cheesed Maelon off a tad and he vowed never to see poor Dwynwen again. The fair maiden sobbed all night and pleaded with God to make her forget Maelon ever existed. Then in the morning an angel carrying a sweet potion appeared before Dwynwen, telling her it would erase all memory of Maelon and as added bonus would turn him into a block of ice. Brrr! Dwynwen was then granted three wishes from God. And as she didn't really want Maelon to spened eternity as an ice cube, her first wish was that the lad be thawed out. Dwynwen's second was that God meet the hopes and dreams of true lovers and her third was that she should never marry.
The End. Big Cwtches to everyone xoxox
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