Gelert hath spoken! Let it be written, let it be done. May the God of Oval Balls bless Wales, and guide us on the path to victory on this momentous day. May all the Welsh be drinking out of winners trophies tonight, and the Grand Slam be bathed in red. May the red dragon's flight steer us into glory! Amen.
Way back when I was in school I used to carry a notebook everywhere I went to record daily thoughts and observations. So you see, ive been blogging since before it was popular and where better to carry it onward than to give it a digital page of its own? Welcome to the pages of bar fly Hollywood Francis...
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Gelert's Grand Slam Prediction
Gelert hath spoken! Let it be written, let it be done. May the God of Oval Balls bless Wales, and guide us on the path to victory on this momentous day. May all the Welsh be drinking out of winners trophies tonight, and the Grand Slam be bathed in red. May the red dragon's flight steer us into glory! Amen.
Carmarthen, Wales
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