Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Oh Foulest Blackberry, Begone!

After months of headaches, I have finally kicked the Blackberry smartphone (smart? Yeah right!) out of my bed and moved on. Good riddance to it, the horribe f**king thing! If ever a gadget needed execution, the Blackberry is it. But at least I did a good deed out of getting rid of it by selling it to someone on EvilBay for a mere £15. Hell you can't even get a basic mobile for that price these days so his Christmas came early. Yes I could have gotten more for it but I wanted to sell it cheap to show my utter contempt for the crappy company. (Plus a good deed is good for halo points and Lord knows I need 'em).
I hope the buyer has more happiness than I ever had with it but I could stand it no longer. And now I know why the cell phone shop made customers sign a document barring them from asking for refunds on Blackberry, which is why I won't be dealing with that store again either. I don't mind naming them, its the Orange shop in Carmarthen and my advice would be to stay away. (Is it even legal to make customers sign such things? What an offensive policy).

Blackberry: you have a message

Anyway I care not because I wouldn't own a Blackberry again if they threw in a seven bedroom house and a French maid to go with it. Lousy camera, loading start up times from hell, unreliable service, cheap knock off apps, appalling battery life, quiet music volume, etc etc. Just a horrid horrid little mobile phone. They don't even make decent accessories for the things. Tacky looking tat like the kind you commonly see in pound shops and the like.
So buh bye Blackberry thou infectious swag-bellied baggage!
Thank you Shakespeare for such a grand insult.

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