Friday, 2 March 2012

Little Man In Yellow

So in the news today, a grandmother has been fined seventy five quid by a 'litter enforcer'. Why? Did she leave a half eaten parcel of chips on the pavement for the seagulls to finish off? Or fly-tip a few moth eaten sofas and a manky fridge in a hedge? Nope, neither of these. So what gives? Why the £75 for granny? It seems a strand of cotton had come free and fallen from her glove, which was spotted by the 'enforcer' who promptly wrote out the fine. Oh my good God! Send for the stocks and rotting vegetables! This lady needs put in place!
What a farce! What absolute tosh! More proof that these jobsworths are nothing more than pocket sadists, who believe the gnats privates amount of power they hold give them the might of kings. Pathertic little turds! Anyone with even half a mind could see that falling thread from clothing does not constitute deliberate littering. Are the council employing retarded half wits these days to tick some quota or something? Looks like it from where im typing.
Happily for the lady involved, it seems that Blaenau Gwent council have seen sense and revoked the fine after 'an investigation', but I hope they give her a few pounds extra for the stress and humiliation caused. Afterall money is tight for everyone these days and finding £75 is a big ask from pensioners, and no doubt her name was published in the 'fines column' of her local paper. Oh and sack the wally who issued the fine too. Jumped up tosspot.
Im all for clamping down on litter louts (hell id introduce a Corrective Work Order scheme like Singapore), but common sense must be applied when punishing people. A single thread of cotton falling from a glove? Hardly a skip full of rubble and broken chairs is it? Also whats with the title 'Litter Enforcer'? Is this what these cretins are officially called? If it is then its little wonder such pencil pushing bullies are attracted to the job because the word 'enforcer would make the worms feel like Judge Dredd. My guess is 70% of them daydream of having had a career in special forces but I digress.
Im glad the council involved realised their mistake and scrapped the fine and I would love to believe issues like this are few and far between but I can't see it myself. Afterall you give a sheriffs badge to someone who has no real, legitimate power and you create a monster. With a small penis.

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